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man with headache

Headaches are a common condition that affects people of every age, stage, and background. They can range from minor inconveniences to debilitating conditions that significantly impact daily life.

What Are the Symptoms?

Common headache symptoms include:

  • Pain or pressure in different areas of the head
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Visual disturbances, such as blurred vision or seeing flashing lights

What Are the Common Types?


Tension headaches are the most common type and often feel like a constant pressure or squeezing sensation around the head. This type of headache is usually caused by muscle tension, stress, poor posture, or overexertion.


Lasting for hours or even days, migraines are intense headaches that can be accompanied by throbbing pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. This type of headache may be triggered by certain factors such as hormonal changes, certain foods, stress, or sensory stimuli.


Cluster headaches are characterized by severe, excruciating pain that occurs in clusters or cycles. They usually affect one side of the head and are often accompanied by nasal congestion and eye redness. This type of pain often wakes people up at night.


Sinus headaches result from inflammation or congestion in the sinus cavities, causing pain around the eyes, forehead, and cheeks. They are commonly associated with sinus infections, allergies, or changes in air pressure.

woman at computer with headache

Causes and Symptoms

Headaches can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Stress and Emotional Triggers: Anxiety, depression, emotional stress, and tension can contribute to the development of headaches.
  • Physical Triggers: Poor posture, neck or jaw problems, muscle tension, eye strain, and dehydration can all play a role in triggering headaches.
  • Environmental Factors: Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, and changes in weather or altitude can provoke headaches in susceptible individuals.
  • Hormonal Fluctuations: Changes in estrogen levels during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause may trigger hormonal headaches.

Management and Treatment

While eliminating headaches completely may not always be possible, effective management strategies can help alleviate symptoms and improve the overall quality of life. Here are some approaches that may be helpful:

Lifestyle Modifications: Identifying and managing triggers is crucial. Getting regular exercise, adopting stress reduction techniques (such as meditation or deep breathing exercises), getting enough sleep, and maintaining a balanced diet can help decrease the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Alternative Therapies: Headaches often respond well to chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, and biofeedback, all of which have shown promising results in alleviating headache symptoms for some people.
Medications: OTC pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin can temporarily relieve mild to moderate headaches. For more severe cases, prescription medications may be recommended.
Seeking Professional Help: If headaches become chronic or significantly impact daily functioning, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. Our chiropractors can evaluate your condition, prescribe therapies, and provide personalized guidance for managing chronic headaches.

Book an Appointment

Take that first step toward relief by scheduling an appointment today at our North York or Scarborough location.


Headaches in North York, Scarborough ON | KIROMEDICA Health Centre